Wednesday, November 27, 2013


What I've learned from my blogging challenge....yes I did all 30 days but kept some private as they were too emotionally intimate for me to share, but I've definitely learned a lot from this challenge. I've learned for one, I should take my own advice! After reflecting on things I've written about I realized I always know what I should do, I just don't always listen. I'm gonna start listening to me! I also learned that while my friends mean well, I sometimes let them effect my decisions with guys even if I know more about the situation then they do. I'm not saying don't listen to your friends because lord knows the outsiders perspective is good, but if you think you really need to keep fighting for something, don't let others convince you to give up. I actually have a huge regret from a situation similar to that and I normally live regret free, I should've held on as I wasn't unhappy, I just wasn't where I wanted to be yet (the explanation to that was in a private blog). I also learned through this that I have huge standards!! God bless I may be single forever lol but if not I will have an amazing man in my life. I am very thankful for the morals and values my parents instilled in me as they have definitely come into play in my life and what I'm looking for in a man, I realized this while going through the challenge. I started this challenge in a dark place dating wise, all hope on relationships was lost, but after going through the 30 days (which took me like 60 lol) I realize that alls not lost and that I am a strong single woman who doesn't need a man to define me. I still believe in love and want it, I just won't settle for anything less then true, unconditional, love. 

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