Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oh happy day!

When was the last time I was truly blissful…..Sunday morning when I discovered Red Velvet Christmas tree cakes!!! Hello a Christmas Tree cake plus red velvet!! Yep end of story ;) ha, but seriously (OK I seriously was stoked about that) I honestly felt real, true bliss Saturday morning. I was driving down the road after a great night with one of my oldest and best friends, heading to lunch with another fabulous friend, then I was heading to get my monsters and go watch football with MORE amazing friends. HELLO, how blessed am I? The weather was great, I had my boots on and it felt Fabulous!! I couldn’t help but notice the gorgeous colors of the fall trees, this is not something I usually notice, and it was like for the first time in a LONG time I could see in color again. I was so happy I was singing EVERY song that came on the radio, my kids laughed as I cannot sing this I assure you. None the less I was so flipping happy for no other reason than I was alive! This feeling has stuck with me all week; I was even in a fabulous mood Monday of all days. Now I may not know how long this great mood will last, but I am going to ride this blissful wave while it’s here. Keep in mind if you are in a hard time, you cannot appreciate the great moments if you never experience the bad, keep your head up and wait…..true bliss comes when you least expect it.

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