Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ohhhhhhh HEYYYYY

Ok I am back, got through Halloween and some crazy work deadlines so maybe I can be more consistent again. Today's topic....running into an ex. Now this was supposed to come later this week but I decided to discuss it today, I'm just wild like that, and I ran into one last night so it's fresh on my brain. This can be a tricky situation, if you run into an ex you no longer have feelings for you tend to find yourself content with a hello and good to see you, BUT if you do still have feelings for the ex it can be.....ummmmmmm nauseating! You know, your heart drops into your stomach and it literally takes your breath away, yeah good times. Well in my case I was having drinks with an out of town girlfriend who was visiting last night. We were catching up on all things important when out of the corner of my eye BOOM he's standing right there, holy mess I had come to his place of work (which I like this place and refuse to avoid it because of a guy). I didn't know this is where he worked as he has changed jobs since I last spoke to him. None the less there he was! I did a stellar job of ignoring him for a good while but then I made the mistake of....making eye contact. Oops, now he's not sure what to do, that was very obvious, but we say hey (probably the most awkward hey ever) and he says "I wasn't sure you wanted to speak to me"....That was like a punch in the stomach...see last time I text him I laid everything I felt about him on the line, EVERYTHING, then asked that he never text me again because I couldn't handle being just friends....see this is not a good situation to be in, yet there I was. He must have asked 3 times what I was up to, all of them had the same answer, work and baseball. Then on round 3 he says "and single girl status" ahhhhhh shit he's read the blog!! I immediately start racking my brain, what have I said that relates to him? I know I've wrote about him, and if he didn't realize that before he does now, yet still I was happy to know he read it...this bi-polar moment brought to you by!! It felt like at this point it was time to exit stage left, I ended up leaving without saying goodbye, which at the time seemed like a perfect plan but today.....not so much! I wish I had said bye, I wish I had grabbed a little closure, I wish I didn't still freaking care!! But hey, I do, and that's just part of having exes....part of being single. Yes you have moments where you want to hide under a table, yes there's pain and hurt feelings, no it's not as fun as it looks all the time, but that's  OK! It's life, and if you don't let the little things (like exes) get you down, then it's a good one!!

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