Monday, November 18, 2013

Old School....

So I didn't do any blogs last week as it was a rough week for me, but I'm back and today the topic is.....if I could have a conversation with myself in high school what would I say. WOW, well I'd have so much  to say as I have learned a ton since then, thank God, but see I'm not sure how much I would want to change. Everything in my life good or bad has made me who I am today and I like me. My biggest "mistakes" brought me my biggest blessings! However I would tell myself that all the gossip (which we know never stops) is irrelevant! None of these people will matter after high school (except the ones that love me). These girls who think they are so much better then you are just insecure and that's why they put you down. I was lucky in high school, I wasn't picked on and I had tons of great friends, but for those there now who aren't as lucky....keep your head up and know in a few short years (yes I know that feels like an eternity now) this will all be over and you will move on to bigger and better things. High school is definitely a jungle but if you stay true to you you'll make it out alive. 

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