Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm a princess because my DADDY said so!!!!

My proudest accomplishment.....Well honestly I think keeping 3 wild boys alive daily should count BUT again that would be the easy way out! So my proudest accomplishment (other then my monsters) Independence! See, I can't lie, I was a spoiled child! Kept in a bubble and very happy to stay in that bubble. I married a guy who didn't mind taking care of me (financially, and NO I am not a gold digger) so when things went south I heard a lot of...."you are a spoiled little princess!! You would never make it without me!! what are you going to do run home to mommy and daddy?" Well, I started to believe this as my only option, I mean what did I know I had NEVER stood on my own!  I guess I should mention that I have always said I am a princess because my daddy said so and until his dying day he backed me on that! However, I learned REAL quick that while my daddy spoiled me and made me the princess I am today, he also taught me some very important lessons! For example, when I left my ex I left with 3 kids, NO money, and only the clothes I could fit in my car! I refused to let my ex be right! I was not running home to anyone, so I ran to a piece of crap might as well of been a shack rental, and that's when it happened! Everything my dad had taught me came to play. See I watched my dad my entire life make something out of nothing! He worked his butt off so his girls could have ANY and EVERYTHING they wanted! So now it was my turn, My boys would NOT do without!! I used that great example my daddy taught me and I worked and worked  and worked my tail off!! I got discouraged a lot as there where times I didn't even have enough money for gas to get to work, but I remembered something my dad said my entire life...."If you can fix the problem with money, it's NOT a problem", this my friends is a TRUE statement. I learned that the hard way. I was well on my way up the career ladder when I got the worst news of my life!! My dad was terminal!! It seemed like a blur and honestly I would have sold my soul to save him!! this was my world, this was the ONLY person who I felt truly and Unconditionally loved me! I mean I had given this man all the reasons in the world to be disappointed in me and he assured me he NEVER was and he meant that! When he passed I was devastated!! BUT I remembered how strong he always was, I remembered all the ways he taught me to be strong and while I have had my setbacks I pushed through and have turned into a successful, independent woman!! I have a great job and make a very nice home for my boys all by myself, Despite all the ones who thought I didn't have it in me.  I mean.....remember I was a spoiled little princess, but guess what this spoiled princess learned a lot from the man who made her so rotten :) I learned about hard work, importance of family, and the TRUE meaning of unconditional love! So yes, I am a princess, a very successful one....because my DADDY said so!!! and don't you forget it!