Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Talkin bout my Girls

I am going to keep this one short and sweet as this girl has SOOOO many deadlines to meet! I will be back on track after Halloween. Todays topic, my favorite single girl behavior? Well sadly I think I am pretty normal as far as single girl habits go. I mean I watch EVERY Real Housewives show, I drink wine alone sometimes, I am definitely a huge fan of singing Disney songs and dancing around my house and I eat icing right out the can! Those are normal....right?? However my favorite single girl behavior is.....My girls!! Now yes, I have always had friends, but while married I was forced to restrict my time with them. My ex didn't really love me spending too much time with my girls, he was my "best friend" as he would say. Well yes he was, but I certainly couldn't talk girl talk with him and I know he didn't care to hear me complain....about him! Hello Girlfriends needed!! Now some of you married girls have very understanding husbands when it comes to this so good for you, should I ever remarry I will have a beyond understanding man! That being said, now that I am single I LOVE LOVE being a better friend to my girls. I am so blessed with so many AMAZING friends and they have supported me through soooooo much, so it's very nice to finally be able to give them the friendship they deserve in return. So to all my girls, especially a certain 3 (thread) ;) thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for loving me through the good, the bad, the BEST and my very very UGLY!! I have gone to very dark places in the past 2 years but I have never walked alone, and this is why I thank God everyday for my fav single behavior, my girls!

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