Saturday, October 12, 2013

Desperate times.....

The most common misconception about single women....well there's a few I could go with but I'm gonna address the "we are desperate" issue. Now of coarse there are desperate single women out there, so starved for attention that they will take ANY attention a man gives, good or bad. However that is not the general way of thinking for most single ladies. Just because we are single in this you gotta get married ASAP society, doesn't mean we are going to just jump on the first frog that comes by and pray he's actually a prince. Not even, we are worth so much more then that. Single girls, please remember you are worth so much more then that!! Don't let a guy or even your married friends that are "so worried" about you convince you it's time to settle. I've noticed that dating at my age involves zero romance! Where did it go? I'm not asking for a helicopter ride over the city, but a nice dinner or even a sweet note when I've had a bad day wouldn't kill a guy. While walking in NYC recently, a friend (not a date just a friend) bought me a rose from a drunk homeless man, and that my friends was the closest thing to romance I've gotten in years!! Sad right? When telling another friend this story she says "well at our age we can't expect romance." What?? Why?? It's that way of thinking that makes us look desperate. Thinking we don't deserve romance and we should just take whatever we get, you know "you get what ya get and ya don't pitch a fit"  well I'm pitching a fit!!!! I want romance, I want butterflies, I want it all!! I am not so desperate that I will settle for anything less then complete and total happiness and I know MOST of my fellow single girls have the same respect for themselves. In this crazy dating world we may be confused, we may have fears, we may even make mistakes (yes mistakes) BUT we are far FAR from desperate.