Friday, October 18, 2013


I'm in the air again, as usual, so here's to another airborne blog! Today's challenge google the meaning of your name and say if it fits you or not. Well mine means victory of the people...I think we can all agree this accurate ;) you're welcome people. Since this challenge seems a tad ridiculous to me I'm gonna change the topic, I'm just that wild and crazy! I want to talk about something that's been on my mind lately....bullying! I have seen first hand some very serious forms of bullying lately. It makes me sick! Parents, what are we doing wrong?? I know that every problem a child has can't be blamed on the parent but when you have bullies starting as early as 1st grade, who do we blame? I am blessed that my children, as of now, stand up to bullying. CO my middle got suspended last year for standing up for a child who couldn't stand up for themselves (even the vp said he hated having to suspend him for the situation but fighting is fighting and rules are rules). However IF, and I say if  because I've learned to never say my child will never, so if  my child were to bully someone he would NOT want to come home and face the wrath of me!! I assure you this! So parents, yes you can't control your child when they aren't with you, but how about putting a healthy fear and some morals into them. Let them know that bullying is NOT ok!! Here is an example....when CO was in 1st grade he got jumped on the playground, crazy right?!? First grade!!!! (He's in 7th now)  Well yes this happened all because my child played sports at a city park that's a rival of the school he goes to. (They now play sports for their school team and are great assets to the team thanks to the training they got at the rival city park). How was I to know you could catch such hell for playing city baseball?? I had a chance to talk to the parent of the child that started the bullying that led to CO getting jumped in 1st grade (he held his own btw, he would be mad if he ever read this and I didn't mention my sweet hearted child can fight, 1 of 3 boys=survival lol) and this parent says to me " yea I told my child to mess with him, he shouldn't be playing at that other park"!! I almost came out of my skin!!! People this is the problem!! Parents are not giving the right example!! I am begging you parents to not be your child's their loving parent and teach them morals and class! Teach them to be kind to their fellow classmates as they do not know these children's struggles! Keep up with their social networking if you allow them to have children have no fb it's too easy to sneak around on fb, however when I feel they are responsible enough they can have one, but I WILL monitor it! No it's not an invasion of privacy it's called parenting, more people should try it! There is currently 2 children (12 year olds) on trial up north for bullying on fb that led to another 12 year olds suicide. This is unnecessary and parenting (on all sides) is key!! If the parents would have monitored their children's fb pages maybe this could've been avoided! So to put it clearly....Step up parents, save lives, STOP bullying!! 

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