Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oh The Shame....

Today's topic is to describe a moment when being single sucked. This was an easy one for me, this moment will stick with me forever. For those who don't know I travel A LOT with work. I put a lot of effort into my career and I am very proud of my achievements in my field. I work in a mans industry, however I am very lucky to work with the best of the best businessmen around! Well, I was at a function a few years ago (one I don't attend anymore and have no clients at) and there was a group of women, they came up and introduced themselves, at first I thought how nice...at first. They then asked me who I was with and I proudly named my company, they then said "oh what does your husband do there?" I nicely explained to them that I wasn't a spouse, I was there with work....OH my then came the questions...So you travel a lot? Men do not like that do they? Do you have a social life outside of work? How are you going to find a man while working like this? and so on and so on. I mean they were going so fast with this single girl witch hunt I couldn't even keep up. One even said "what a shame you will never have anyone to take care of you." Needless to say I got out of there asap with the simple statement, I have been married and have 3 lovely boys to show for it....the best thing they had to say to that was "well at least you have that."  So as I am walking back to my room (taking the long way might I add) I realized these women had just made me ashamed of the fact that I put my successful career ahead of my quest to find "The One" or "my hero" and the worst part was I let them! I mean seriously who were they to say "At least I have"....my life is far from an "at least" event! I have so much! Career, kids, friends, and family! How the hell am I letting these women bring me down? I literally had a SNL in front of the mirror moment "I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me!"  and further more what did she mean what a shame no one will ever take care of me? I mean yes being taken care of is nice, but I am not the kind of girl looking to be taken care of. I feel I have this organized chaos I call my life under control. So for me, my worst single girl moment turned into one of my favorite Nicole moments! The moment I realized that I would never apologize for being a successful single woman again, and believe me I haven't. I may not have it all in society's eyes (or the evil wives club) but in my little world I have everything and more!!